Child & Youth Services
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Academy of Gymnastics
4703 - 50 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 5K7
All year round gymnastics programs.
Affirmation Dance
Shannon Subchuk
4850 - 50 St., Camrose, AB
A non-competitive dance program focused on providing a healthy all inclusive atmosphere. Professional instructors and quality dance training in ballet, jazz, contemporary and hip hop for ages 18 months to 18 years. Creating well rounded, physically strong and emotionally connected dancers. Options to attend competition for dancers wanting the personal challenge. Fall sessions and full year programming available.
Augustana Climbing Wall
Climbing Wall Reservations Manager
Indoor climbing wall and bouldering wall at University of Alberta - Augustana Campus with regular seasonal hours of operation during Sept - April. Special events like birthday parties may be booked in advance. Minimum age of participants is 7 years. Signed waivers required. For more information see website and/or contact us via email.Drop in: Tuesdays and Thursday, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Closed on Statutory holidays and University breaks.Private bookings available anytime!
Jodie Wilson
3720 - 66 St., Camrose, AB T4V 3N4
Bible school for children. Fun activities for children ages 3- grade 6. It is ran Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00pm. Consists of 30 mins of games, 30 mins of small group activities and 30 mins of a bible story. All are welcome to register.
Ballet Camrose
Colleen Olsen, Artistic Director
4918 - 50 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R1
Non-profit org. Offers dance classes to ages 3-18 ballet; jazz, tap, point, lyrical, hip hop.
Bashaw Early Learning Centre (ECS)
Rosanna Resler
Private Kindergarten.
Bashaw Figure Skating
Prudence Harris
General Delivery, Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0
Bashaw Minor Hockey Association
780-372-3763 (Bashaw Arena)
Bashaw Preschool
Books and Bounces
Camrose Public Library
4710 - 50 Ave., Camrose, AB
A program offered at the Camrose Public Library for children 0-2 years of age. Held on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. The program consists of stories, rhymes, songs and finger plays for infants and parents or caregivers.
Bowling Leagues
Tricia Mantai, Manager
5101-52 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 4P2
Youth Bowling Council - ages 3-19 years. Mixed leagues - 4 nights per week, for couples and individuals for social activity. Ladies league - Wednesday afternoons. Club 55+ - open to bowlers 55 years and older, Tuesday afternoons. Special Olympics bowling once per week. Public bowling, open for bookings for private parties. Neon bowling Friday and Saturday evenings.
Camrose & District Soccer Association
Konrad Schellenberg
Box 1823, Camrose, AB T4V 1X7
To provide an opportunity for people age 4 to adult to play and participate in the game of soccer. Check website for registration.
Camrose Academy of Dance
4809 - 52 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1T9
Camrose Academy of Dance is a non-profit society, which provides dance education for students, ages 3 and up, in the Camrose area. Classes run from September - May. Classes offered: Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Musical Theatre, Large Performance Groups, Modern, and Adult.
Camrose Buffaloes Football Association
Melissa Stuckky, President
PO Box 1775, Camrose, AB T4V 1X2
Camrose Buffaloes... Our Mission: to engage the community of Camrose and area in the progression and growth of football at all levels and to promote football as an alternative and vibrant affordable sport. Our Goal: to introduce as many children as possible to the game of football and to make them feel significant every day. We are guided by the values of our association that include positive motivation from our board, coaches, athletes and parents. The pursuit of fun, enjoyment and exercise built on the tenant of mutual respect with teamwork at all levels with opportunity for professional and personal growth and development with celebration and community involvement.
Camrose Church of God Youth Group
Noel Breker or Pastor Brian Krushel, Youth Coordinator/Youth Leader
4722 - 55 St., Camrose, AB
A youth group reaching out to youth in grades 7-12, meeting a few times a month. Engaging in fun activities and learning about an active relationship with Christ, as well community events and bible studies take place. A safe place where youth can come and meet other youth and learn the gospel.
Camrose Cygnets Synchronized Swim Club
Box 1231, Camrose, AB T4V 1X2
Synchronized swimming combines strength, endurance and balance with flexibility, grace and beauty, and the Camrose Cygnets Synchronized Swim Club is dedicated to making the sport accessible to all swimmers in Camrose and the surrounding area. The club operates from September to April, and strives to accommodate swimmers of varying skill level.
Camrose Ecumenical Youth Group
4829 - 50 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1P6
The ecumenical youth group meets at the Camrose United Church on Fridays after school from 3:00 p.m. for highschool students and 4:00 p.m. for Jr. high students until 5:00 p.m.
Camrose Flying Club / COPA Flight 137
Barry Graham, President
Box 1584, Camrose, AB T4V 1X4
An active group of people sharing an interest in aviation. Members are not necessarily pilots or working in the aviation industry. Monthly meetings. Special activities include a Fly-in Breakfast in May, Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) for Kids which gives an opportunity for youth to experience flying. Periodically arranges for Canadian Snowbirds to perform for our community; and assists City with maintenance of airport.
Camrose Minor Ball Association
George Marcinkowski, President
Box 1408, Camrose, AB T4V 1X3
Camrose Minor Ball Association endeavors to provide both recreational and competitive avenues for Camrose and area athletes to participate in baseball and fastball.
Camrose Minor Hockey
Paul and Colleen King
Box 1587, Camrose, AB T4V 1X4
CMHA exists to provide an opportunity for minors to have equal opportunity to play hockey regardless of their ability. Programs are offered to meet various levels of skill and commitment.
Camrose Sea Serpents Swim Club
Natasha Dewald, President
PO Box 1674, Camrose, AB T4V 1X6
The Camrose Swim Club is a competitive swim club whose main objective is to encourage its members in the development of swimming techniques in order to compete against other summer swim clubs. Runs from May through to the mid August of each year, with practice time scheduled once per day during May and June and twice per day during July and August. The club participates in 6-7 competitions at the local, regional and provincial levels.
Camrose Skating Club
Marianne Paul, President
Box 1181, Camrose, AB T4V 1X2
780-679-4747 (Sara)
A member of Skate Canada, we are a multi-faceted club offering a wide variety of instruction to suit everyone's interests. Beginner, recreational, fun and fitness and competitive skating. Season is September to April.
Camrose Ski Club
Brianna Schultz, Program Manager
Box 1973, Camrose, AB T4V 1X8
Youth cross country skiing (rental equipment available); biathlon (rental equipment available), adult cross country skiing; running; mountain biking.
Camrose Spirals Skipping Club
Bailey Hautzinger, President
The Camrose Spirals is a Precision Rope Skipping Team from Camrose AB Canada. Its members come from Camrose and several towns in the Camrose County. Since its inception in August 1991, the team has grown to include many girls and boys who range in age six to twenty. They have developed into a fine and most respected precision rope skipping team.
Camrose and Area Children's Choir
Joy-Anne Murphy, Director
4610 - 46 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 0E2
Who we are - Choirs for kids! Three groups: two non-auditioned and one auditioned. Our choirs are for kids who love to sing! Come check out Jr. Choir for grades 1-3 (K with interview), Sr. Choir for grades 4-9, and Vivo Cantando Ensemble (auditioned) for grades 5-12 with more experience. All groups are inclusive, encouraging and engaging. We sing all styles of music in fun and challenging arrangements, and perform in three concerts per year, with various optional extras. Costs are reasonable, time commitment is fair and clearly outlined, instruction is high calibre and experienced. Each season runs mid-September to the end of April/beginning of May. Rehearsals are Tuesday afternoon/evenings, and are centrally located downtown in the United Church hall. The Camrose and Area Children's Choirs exist to provide varied, high-quality learning and performing experiences to children and teens in the greater Camrose region. Through rehearsals, performances, workshops, excursions and tours, our members explore and expand their love of music and the voice. Through participation in local and regional festivals, functions, and concerts, singers learn to appreciate all that music can bring to a well rounded live and community.
Canadian Northern Society
Glenys Smith, Chairperson
Box 1174, Camrose, AB T4V 1X2
Operates the Camrose Railway Station Museum and Park. Registered charity dedicated to providing community service through heritage preservation and tourism development.
Century Meadows Baptist Church Thrive Youth
Youth Administration Assistant
3720 - 66 St., Camrose, AB T4V 3N4
780-672-3230 (Brett McCarroll, Youth Director)
Thrive Youth meets Wednesday evenings all school year from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. and every other Friday at the Crosswalk. Drop in is welcome. Games, bible teaching and small group discussions. Fridays are focused more on recreation and fun events like trips to Edmonton, West Edmonton mall water park, etc.
Churchmice Players Society
Theo Thirsk, Executive Director
PO Box 1365, Camrose, AB T4V 1X3
780-781-3246 (Dave McDougall, Artistic Director)
Churchmice Players is a registered Society and an all-ages amateur theatre group founded in 1980 to provide an opportunity for members of the community to showcase local talent. Anyone can become a member at any time.
Cointreau Stables
Ashley Cointreau
Secondary Highway 855 / Township Road 434 Located near Daysland
Cointreau Stables & Tack Store is a full service equine facility committed to excellence in our stable & lesson programs. We offer riding lessons, horse boarding, training, tack/feed store, horse sales, horse events and TruTouch equine therapy. Riding lessons are offered to all ages & levels of experience with our Equine Canada Certified Competition Coach & Instructor of Beginners. Experienced lesson horses are available for use, as well as the opportunity to compete in on site and local horse shows. Cointreau Stables also offers a therapeutic riding program, catering to children or adults with disabilities.
Ferintosh Community Club
Judy Anderson, President
General Delivery, Ferintosh, AB T0B 1M0
Community improvement, putting flowers in planters, Cancer Society fundraiser tea in April, flower and vegetable bench show in August, horticulture-related workshops 2 times per year at meetings. Affiliate of the Horticulture Society.
Fox TaeKwon-Do
Tanya Fox, Vice-President
4710 - 52 Ave.. Camrose, AB T4V OW7
Providing the best martial art curriculum and instruction from Canada's Top Master Instructor in Camrose's only professional full-time training facility.
Girl Guides of Canada
1-800-565-8111 (answered locally)
Girl Greatness Starts Here! Sparks age 5 & 6; Brownies age 7 & 8; Guides age 9 - 12; Pathfinders age 12 - 14; Rangers age 15 - 17; Leaders age 18+
Hay Lakes Beavers Cubs & Scouts
Rejeanne Matson
General Delivery, Hay Lakes, AB T0B 1W0
KidSport Camrose
Box 1881, Camrose, AB T4V 1X7
We believe no kid should be left on the sidelines and all should be given the opportunity to experience the positive benefits of organized sports. KidSport provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport.
Kidz Klub
Camrose Community Church
5204 - 53 Ave., Camrose, AB
Kidz Klub is a fun evening for children in grades 1-6 on Monday evenings. The evening starts with supper at 5:30 pm followed by a Program from 6:00 -7:30 pm. The program consists of games, songs, crafts, snack, dramas and stories all designed for children to experience how much God loves and values them.
Community Services Department
Camrose has a abundant different playgrounds all around the city. For locations please visit the Camrose city website.
Red Cross Babysitting Course
Camrose Aquatic Centre
5600 - 44 Ave., Camrose, AB
The Red Cross Babysitting course has been refreshed and revised, now with a greater emphasis on First Aid skills. The Canadian Red Cross Babysitting course covers everything from managing difficult behaviours to essential content on leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter. Babysitting promises to deepen and enhance the responsibility that older youth feel when caring for younger children. This updated curriculum provides improved learning when it comes to giving the appropriate care in the event of an emergency. This course is available for youth between the ages 11-15.
Red Cross Stay Safe Course
Camrose Aquatic Centre
Real-world scenarios often call on children to respond to challenges. The Red Cross Stay Safe! program teaches applicable and age-appropriate skills, while increasing and reinforcing a youth's capacity to improve his or her own safety. Whether in their community or on their own, this group will be given better tools to Stay Safe! in a variety of different situations. This course is for youth between the ages of 9 - 13 years.
Rose City Curling Club
Sarah Brown (Manager) Ben & Cheyvonne Knockleby (Club Managers)
Suite 5, 4412 - 56 St., Camrose, AB T4V 5K4
The Rose City Curling Club supports the physical, mental and social well-being of our community members by promoting curling programs for all ages, abilities and skill levels. We aim to reach into and take part in the vibrant community of Camrose by creating and operating exciting public events for everyone to enjoy! We offer curling at all levels from competitive, to beginner and recreational, with a fantastic youth program. If you are interested in curling, reach out to us today!
Rotary Skate Park
Community Services (City of Camrose)
4516 - 54 St., Camrose, AB
The skateboard park is located immediately north of the Community Centre at 4516-54 Street, on the Rudy Swanson Recreation Park grounds (53 Street and 44 Avenue). Assisted by the generosity of the Camrose Rotary Club and others, the skateboard park was completed in the spring of 2004 and provides boarders a place to challenge their skills. Designed with the direct input of local boarders and consisting of a variety of bowls, rails, ramps, pipes, stairs, and other features, the skateboard park was designed for both novice and experienced boarders.
Round Hill Kindergarten
Round Hill School
General Delivery, Round Hill, AB T0B 3Z0
Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron 644 Camrose Rotary
Dan Fontaine, Commanding Officer
#7, 4516 - 54 St., Camrose, T4V 4W7
Youth organization, enrolling 12-14 yr olds interested in aviation and Canadian Armed Forces.
Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps 3068 South Alberta Light Horse (SALH)
Alex Boos, Commanding Officer
#6, 4504 - 41 St., Camrose, AB T4V 4W7
The Royal Canadian Army Cadets are one component of the Canadian Cadet Movement, a youth organization for all Canadians aged 12 - 18. The aims of the movement are to develop in youth the attributes of good leadership and citizenship, promote physical fitness and stimulate an interest in the Canadian Forces.
Scouts - Camrose 6th
To contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law. To help build a better world where people are self fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
Spray Park
Camrose Aquatic Centre
5600 - 44 Ave., Camrose, AB
Open May long weekend to September long weekend. Free to use for all ages.
Nathan Doerksen, Instructor
A family oriented martial arts club with membership in the International Chang-Hong Taekwon-do Federation. Age 5 and up are welcome to train in a friendly positive environment.
Ukrainian Veselka Dancers
You don't have to be Ukrainian to join! We dance on Wednesdays, and have some community performances during weekends and evenings throughout the year. Ages 3 - Adult Welcome!
Vikings Basketball Summer Camp
Dave Drabiuk, Head Coach, Men's Basketball
Summer Basketball Skills and Competition Camps. Lil' Dunkers for Grades 4-6 and full day camps for Grades 7-12. Fun and Fundamentals offered by our camp staff which includes Augustana Vikings Basketball coaches and players.
Youth Bowling of Canada
Tricia, Owner
Children's Bowling league ages 3-19