Child & Youth Services
If you would like to add your organization, request changes, or notice an error, please email us at
BGC Camrose (formerly Camrose Boys and Girls Club)
Rees James, Executive Director
Suite 1, 4412 - 56 St., Camrose, AB T4V 5K4
Provides a wide variety of social, recreational, educational and leadership programs for children and youth grades 1 - 12. Provides volunteer opportunities for youth grades 9 and up.
Bashaw & District Pre-School
Marci Albers, Manager
Box 568, Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0
Tue. & Thu., 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Please enquire for fee & subsidy info.
Provides a play based program for children ages 3-5 years to enhance their growth in the areas of social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional development. Licensed and qualified staff. BDSS program can issue tax receipts.
Bashaw Youth Drop In Foundation
P.O. Box 255, 4903 - 50 Ave., Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0
3:30 - 5:30 p.m. and some PD days.
Daily programming: ages 5 - 18 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. and some PD days. Programming includes arts, crafts, music, drama, sports, recreation, volunteering, kids cooking, and outings.
Camrose & District Pre-School
Kandace Bonney, Program Director
4821 - 51 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R9
Operates Sept. - June, similar to local school schedule.
Program fees set yearly
Our licensed Pre-School program strives for a warm and caring environment for 3 and 4 year olds to build self-confidence, make friends, as well as interact and socialize with children their own age in a group setting. We’ve incorporated the Alberta Flight Curriculum into meaningful play to nurture self-esteem and comprehensive development. Children must be 3 or 4 years old by December 31, 2025 to attend our programs. Programs are run out of the Rotary Youth Centre, 4517-54 St. We are able to accept Alberta Child Care Subsidy. We are a part of Camrose & District FCSS.
Camrose Children's Centre
Ashley Bushell, Executive Director
4304 - 53 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1Y2
Mon. - Fri., 6:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Provides licensed child care to children 1 year to 12 years of age, including Day Care, Day Home, Out of School Care programs. Family Day Homes are able to accommodate parents' childcare needs with flexible hours.
Children and Family Services
Intervention Services - 4867 - 50 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1P6; Child Care Licensing/Prevention/Early Intervention: 5005 - 49 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1N5
Intervention Services - 780-608-1800; Child Care Licensing (Licensed or unlicensed) Child Care Connect Line - 1-844-644-5165; Prevention/Early Intervention - 403-341-8642
310-0000, then 780-608-1800 - Children's Services
Mon. - Fri., 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed on Stat Holidays.
Children's Services focuses on early intervention, child development and delivering supports and services to children, youth and families. The ministry works to ensure that children and youth have the tools they need to thrive in healthy families and communities. A) Prevention Services - services that build protective factors to prevent further difficulty. B) Early Intervention Services - an umbrella of support programs offered when difficulties are first identified that contribute to strengthening protective factors and reducing the impact of risk factors through a continuum of programming for families. C) Child Care Licensing - responsible for the licensing and monitoring of all licensed child care programs in the province. This includes daycare programs, out of school care programs, group family child care programs, preschool programs, and approved family dayhomes. For information on Child Care Licensing, please call the Child Connect Line @ 1-844-644-5165. D) Child Intervention - responding to concerns about the safety and well-being of children and youth. Guided by legislation, staff conduct the day-to-day business of child intervention, foster care, kinship care and adoptions. Reporting Child Abuse: If you are concerned for the safety and well-being of a child in Alberta, please contact the Camrose office at 780-608-1800 (toll free service dial, 310-0000 first) or call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-387-5437 (KIDS) to speak with a caseworker.
First Steps Learning Centre & Corner Campus
Susan Milgate, Executive Director
4920 - 48 St., Camrose, AB T4V 4L5
Mon. - Fri., 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Call for fees.
Licensed early learning child care facility that focuses on social, emotional, intellectual, physical, creative and spiritual needs of the child. Our philosophy is based on learning through play to encourage children to grow in self-respect, responsibility and independence.
Hay Lakes & District Playschool Society
Mark Christiansen, President /Marie Stratuliak, Teacher
P.O. Box 116, Hay Lakes, AB T0B 1W0
Located at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, the Playschool Society runs a program for 2 - 6 year olds. Subsidy may be available for applicants that qualify. The 2-3 year old class runs on Monday & Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; the 4-6 year old class runs on Tuesday & Thursday from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Affordable fees. PUF program is available.
KidSport Camrose
Laurie Kushnerick, Chair
We believe all children should be given the opportunity to experience the positive benefits of organized sports. KidSport provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport. To apply visit our website.
Kids Campus Daycare Society
Christina Egert, Executive Director; Arlene Baradi, Assistant Director
5604 - 47 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 2P3
Mon. - Fri., 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., excluding Stat. holidays.
Call for current fees
Programs include: full-time and part-time care for children up to 12 years of age. A faith based learning environment. Meals and snacks provided.
Missing Children Society of Canada
Amanda Pick, Chief Executive Officer
1270 - 73 Ave. SE, Calgary, AB T2H 2V5
Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Emergency calls accepted after hours.
The mission of the Missing Children Society of Canada is to help return missing children to a safe environment. MCSC embraces the latest technology to help police in the search for a missing child, reaches out to enlist the help of other professionals in the search and location as well as working with traditional media and online/social media to bring public awareness to cases of missing children. MCSC provides affected families with knowledge and resources throughout the search and reunification while ensuring that all its programs are free so that all families in need of help receive it, regardless of their financial situation.
OSCAR Out of School Care
Kandace Bonney, Program Director
4821 - 51 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R9
School Days from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m.
Program fees are set yearly.
We are a licensed out of school care and summer program for children in kindergarten to grade six. Our out of school program is offered at Chester Ronning, Jack Stuart, Sparling and Ecole Siton school with registration opening up in June and as space is allowed throughout the year. During the summer we offer a seven week licensed Summer Care program in the Rotary Youth Centre with registration beginning in late spring. Both programs accept Alberta Child Care Subsidy. We are a part of Camrose & District FCSS.
Regional Rural Children's Centre, Bawlf
Terry-Lynn Sereda, Program Administration/Director
Box 210, Bawlf, AB T0B 0J0
780-608-4434 (cell)
Playschool - $80 - $100/month. Out-of-School Care $6.00/hr.
Playschool provides a safe and stimulating environment where children ages 3-5 years learn through play, crafts, and instruction. Serves children from Bawlf and surrounding communities; program runs on Monday, Wednesday and some Fridays from 8:45 - 12:30 noon. Out-of-School Program - after school care for children in K - grade 6, Monday through Friday until 6:30 p.m.
St. Patrick PREK 4
Michelle Nanias, Principal
St. Patrick School, 4816 - 53 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 0Y2
Please call for information
Please call or visit the school website for up-to-date fee information.
This program is a great place for children to develop and grow intellectually, creatively, emotionally, socially and physically. We believe that children learn best through play and child led exploration, and that is reflected in the curriculum.
The Open Doors
4707 - 56 St., Camrose, AB T4V 2C4
780-679-4357 (24 Hr. Helpline)
Mon. - Fri., 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. (Office)
Dedicated to providing hope and support, The Open Doors offers a wide range of services designed to foster holistic well-being for individuals and families in need. These programs include Basic Needs and Nourishment, providing food and essential supplies, and Workforce Development and Support, equipping participants with the skills and resources needed to achieve sustainable employment. Integrated Justice and Support Programs focus on crime prevention, restorative justice, and victim support services.
Our Community Wellness and Support initiatives feature 24/7 crisis helplines, harm reduction services, and accessible counseling, with an emphasis on supporting youth and families. Comprehensive Navigation Services guide individuals through complex systems to access vital resources, while Specialized Training and Education Initiatives, such as the Community Helpers Program, empower community members with peer support and mental health crisis management skills. Through these interconnected programs, The Open Doors reaffirms its commitment to addressing the diverse needs of the community, ensuring that no one is left without support.