Camrose and District Senior Centre Society
Terry Everington, President
Mirror Lake Centre, 5415 - 49 Ave., Camrose, T4V 0N6
Mon. - Thurs. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Our Mission: To do whatever may be necessary to help aging persons achieve the highest possible quality of living through: Enabling the integration of the senior citizen into all facets of the community; the provision of services to meet the special needs of the senior citizens; the coordination of services to the senior citizens.
We are registered in Alberta as a Charitable Society and is managed by a Volunteer Board of Directors. The Office is staffed on a volunteer basis and consists of 4 Executive members and 1 Administrative Assistant (part-time). The Camrose and District Seniors Centre manage the programs and activities provided at the Centre and funds all the operational costs including rent, janitorial, and some maintenance You will find that the annual membership fee is reasonable, with minimal drop in fees for most activities. To see a complete list of activities, click on the link to our website:
Be informed of current events and activities, sign up for our monthly e-Newsletter by emailing:
Welcome Volunteers! Please drop in to the office or call to find what jobs might be of interest to you!