Emergency Services
If you would like to add your organization, request changes, or notice an error, please email us at digital@camrosefcss.ca.
Note: This print out only reflects the current page view.
Bashaw Fire Department
Michael Andriatz, Fire Chief
Bashaw has a 16 member person volunteer force. New members welcome.
Camrose Fire Fighters Association
Peter Krich
201 Mount Pleasant Drive, Camrose, AB T4V 4B5
Camrose Merry Christmas Fund
Neighbor Aid
Donations are collected to purchase food hampers for needy families in Camrose and area. The hampers are packed and delivered by volunteers, to arrive in time for Christmas. Donations can be made at the Royal Bank or Camrose Fire Hall. If you know someone you'd like to recommend for a hamper, please have them contact Neighbor Aid Center at 780-679-3220. If you want to volunteer to make hamper deliveries prior to Christmas, call 780-679-3220.
Rosalind Fire Department
Bill Kelland
General Delivery, Rosalind, AB T0B 3Y0
Round Hill Battleford Trail Range Patrol
Don Olson
Round Hill
Raise awareness to curb rural crime and maintain a phone fan out for emergencies. Information from guest speakers at annual meetings.